highlights from freshman year

As mentioned in my first blog post, I really have had a great freshman year! I’ve made some pretty amazing memories. Listed below are a few of my favorites:

  1. Weekend trip to Annapolis, Maryland.

My roommate, Joanna, our two friends, and I made the trip up to Annapolis for the weekend to watch some Navy football! On the way up, we stopped in D.C. and drove around some of the monuments, even getting out and walking on the Washington Monument, where I happened to accidentally leave my purse. Long story short: my purse was picked up by police because it was considered a bomb threat and the Secret Service ended up taking it to the White House to be examined.  Unforgettable memories were definitely created on this trip!!

2. Meeting with (now retired) South Carolina Chief Justice Pleicones.

I’ve always considered a career in law, and my meeting with the Chief Justice definitely solidified this dream of mine. Talking with a man so successful in a field I’m so interested in definitely kicked my butt into gear and amped up my desire to stay focused in school.

chief justice

3. Mountain visits with Al.

Life is so much fun when your cousin doubles as a bestie!! I always try to make the effort to go visit her every couple of months, and we always have so. much. fun.

4. Taking my gals around Charleston.

Sam and Rachel are from Ohio and Pennsylvania, so they had never been to Charleston! We all headed down for a day trip and had the best time exploring the city.

5. Surprise birthday dinner!!

My sweet roommate/best friend Joanna surprised me a few nights before my actual birthday with a surprise birthday dinner! She had suggested earlier on in the week that we go out to dinner for an early celebration, and I happily agreed! When we walked into the room, all my friends from high school were waiting for me and I was completely surprised! After dinner, Joanna and I came back to our room and she surprised me with THE BEST PART of this day!!! A ticket to the International Ball at the Naval Academy! We both had been trying to go to this dance for a few years, so we were both SO excited when I opened this present! She is just THE best!!!

6. Weekend in Annapolis for International Ball.

When the weekend of the I-Ball finally arrived, Joanna and I headed up to Navy for the dance. On our way up, we stopped in D.C. for dinner (and thankfully this time I didn’t leave my purse!) We had so much fun the entire weekend exploring Annapolis and of course going to the ball!

p.s. isn’t this city a dream??

7. Prom Makeup and Hair for Tran and Bri!!

Just last weekend, two of my high school friends came up to USC so that I could do their hair and makeup for their prom that night. I absolutely love helping people get ready for formal events by doing their hair and makeup, so this was so much fun! Earlier that morning, Joanna and I went to an adorable French bakery for crepes and then came back to help send Tran and Bri off to prom!

I couldn’t have asked for a better freshman year of college, and I would not have these wonderful memories if it weren’t for sweet friends! Hope you enjoyed a sneak peak into my life this past year.

Thank you so much for reading!




freshman year is a wrap!

I’ve only got 4 more days in this dorm. what. the. heck!!! It really does seem like just yesterday when I moved in–and now, I’m finishing up exams!

Freshman year has been so crazy. But so, so good.

First of all, I’ve definitely made some life long best friends. Speaking of which, Rachel just left an hour ago and tears were definitely shed. Goodbyes are the worst, but boy am I thankful that I’ve met such amazing girls this year! This is where it all started: a football game with these lovely ladies! Then came Scarowinds and before you knew it we were all bffs.

Secondly!!! I’ve got some hobbies!!!

In the beginning of the year, I made some goals for myself for the school year. I really wanted to grow in all areas of my life, and I really do feel like I can say I’ve done that this year. I’ve always had so many interests and I really explored those in these past two semesters. For one, I started running. Like actually consistently training and I’m hooked! Running has always been something that I’ve dreaded, but this year I really wanted to push myself mentally and physically, and running has challenged me in the best ways! I now look forward to my runs and view them as a way to clear my head. I even ran my first race this year! It was only a 5k, but it felt like such a feat for a girl who’s always hated running. Who knew that something I once dreaded so much is now one of my favorite things to do?!

This summer, I’m planning on increasing my mileage in preparation for half marathon training. I’m considering signing up for the Disney Princess Half Marathon next February, and so running is definitely going to be my focus this summer.

A few other exciting things!!

I’m taking piano lessons this summer! Yay! This may sound like such a boring piece of news but I’ve always wanted to learn and I’m finally making plans to do that. Ever since coming to college, I’ve been super focused on exploring my interests and so I felt like this was a great next step in that broader goal of mine. I’m also planning on starting a YouTube channel to vlog my summer adventures! I’ve got a very logical line of thinking, so creative projects like blogging & YouTube are slightly out of my comfort zone.  I don’t have the details of my vlog channel planned yet, but YouTube has always been one of my passions, so I figured that I should just go for it. If anyone has some fun vlog adventures they’d like to see, PLEASE let me know!!!! Ah, this is so intimidating. But I feel like most great things are a little scary at first.

Back to the end of my freshman year: I hate goodbyes. A lot. I’m overly sentimental and have cherished my friends and the memories of this year so much. It’s so hard to know that this year is coming to an end. However, there is so much to look forward to this summer! If goodbyes have to be said, I sure am glad I get to say them to these gals!

If you’ve made it this far, I’m giving you a virtual pat on the back! Sorry for the rambling, but I’m new to this blogging thing (if you couldn’t tell.)

Thank you so much for reading!


